Terror TV Al Jazeera sues ATT over its refuses to carry the network
Aggressive from the get-go. Islamic supremacism in action. Where is it written that any carrier has to carry this jihadist poison? Al Jazeera America is suing AT&T over its refusal to carry the new...
View ArticleAl Jazeera’s jihad: Terror TV Caught Airing Faked Death of Muslim Brotherhood...
For well over a year we have been calling on Congress to investigate the treasonous sale of "Current" TV to al Jazeera (despite other offers including GBTV). Al Jazeera is the network of the Muslim...
View ArticleAl Jazeera America Bombs :)
The highest rated show on AJAM last week was the Thursday evening edition of “Real Money with Ali Velshi,” which drew 54,000 total viewers. Ha! Al Jazeera should be designated a terrorist organization...
View ArticleEgypt Detains 4 Al Jazeera Journalists, Calls Terror TV station “threat to...
Photo: Anti-Al Jazeera posters have recently appeared in Egypt saying, “A bullet kills a man, a lying camera kills a nation.” This attitude led to the new government closing the channel, after 22...
View ArticleTerror TV Shutdown: Egypt closes Al Jazeera affiliate, Brotherhood TV
Al Jazeera is a terrorist organization, and Egypt did well in shutting them down. Here in dullard America, Senator John McCain is lauding the terror org. He is America's poster boy for Al Jazeera. Is...
View ArticleTerror TV Al Jazeera’s ‘Journalists’ Threaten Coptic Christians in Egypt to...
Jizyah or jizya (جزْي) is the extra tax imposed on non-Muslims (Dhimmis) who live under Muslim rule according to the Qur'an and hadith. The Muslim Brotherhood is going to the homes of Copts with Al...
View ArticleTerror TV Al Jazeera floods American markets with bloody cash to propagandize...
Pamela Hall snapped this at 47th and 9th ave. You can see in the picture, by accident, a hijabbed woman and husband in the reflection of the ad's glass. It mirrors their inspiration and template...
View ArticleAl Jazeera Paying for Banned Muslim Brotherhood Terror Leader
The U.S. government should designate Al Jazeera a terrorist organization, in the same way that it designated Al Manar (Hezb’Allah TV) a terror organization. What’s the difference between the two? Al...
View ArticleAn Al Jazeera Muslim Brotherhood-tied News Anchor’s Bloody Call
Now here’s a journalist who will be welcome into the hallowed halls of the likes of Diane Sawyer, Fareed Zakaria, Brian Williams and the rest of limousine liberals in the enemedia who are working...
View Article#epicfail: Al Jazeera America Tanks, Lays Off Dozens
What happened when jihad TV came to America? Nobody watched :) The reptile is scaling back. Al Jazeera is a terrorist propaganda organization. Their journalists claim that the network’s management...
View ArticleAl Gore sues Al Jazeera over cable channel deal
Gore would not even entertain an offer from Glenn Beck, so anxious was he to make a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood channel — Osama Bin Laden’s courier of terror. He is getting what he so richly...
View Article“Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today”
Ms. Malika Bilal and Ms. Femi Oke Al Jazeera English PO Box 23127 Doha – Qatar Dear Ms. Bilal and Ms. Femi Oke: This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The...
View ArticleAl Jazeera op-ed praises Jerusalem synagogue jihad massacre
The U.S. government should have long ago designated Al Jazeera a terrorist organization, in the same way that it designated Al Manar (Hezb’Allah TV) a terror organization. What’s the difference between...
View Article‘I AM NOT CHARLIE’: Leaked Newsroom Emails Reveal Al Jazeera Fury over Global...
What so many “moderates” really think. Donald Rumsfeld called Al-Jizz’s coverage “vicious, inaccurate and inexcusable. It’s disgraceful what that station is doing.” Al Jazeera has subsequently been...
View ArticleTerror TV Al Jazeera leaks spy cables: Docs show CIA tried to connect with...
Al Jazeera has announced that they will publish secret spy documents. How did they get their hands on these secret classified documents? No one is saying, but you can rest assured a jihad...
View ArticleAl Jazeera VP: ‘Israel supporters should die a fiery death’
Vicious racism and Jew-hatred is now commonplace in the Muslim world and leftist circles, but our ads opposing this genocidal rhetoric are banned. Islamic Jew-hatred, it’s in the Qur’an. Respect it! Mr...
View ArticleUS put Al Jazeera’s bureau chief on terror list
This is hardly surprising. For years here at Atlas, I have exposed the terror ties of Muslim Brotherhood broadcaster Al Jazeera and vigorously fought to keep them off the national airwaves (video...
View Article81% Of Al Jazeera Arabic Poll Respondents Support Islamic State
There it is. And that slug Al Gore sold his failed network to these savages, giving them access to millions of American homes. Worse still, the US Congress never challenged the sale, despite our...
View ArticleGerman police arrest Al Jazeera journalist in Berlin
This is hardly surprising. For years here at Atlas, I have exposed the terror ties of Muslim Brotherhood broadcaster Al Jazeera and vigorously fought to keep them off the national airwaves (video...
View ArticleFormer Hamas minister praises al-Jazeera, calls on Muslims to “plunge their...
It is is hardly surprising that this savage would praise al-Jazeera while calling for the murder of Jews. For years here at Atlas, I have exposed the terror ties of Muslim Brotherhood broadcaster Al...
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